Death Ray | Teleforce


                A weapon from which comes a out a ray that can destroy anything from a long distance of 200 miles. This weapon was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1937. In 1937, he said that he had invented the 'Death Ray' and he will show the model within few months to the people.

                Tesla was experimenting on the wireless electricity transmission. He invented many devices in his life which can transmit electricity wirelessly. In the time of experimenting the wireless energy he also invented the 'Death Ray'. He named his invention as 'Teleforce'. In the time 'Guglielmo Marconi', 'Harry Grindell Matthews', 'Edwin R. Scott', 'Graichen' Also tried to make the 'Death Ray' but they couldn't able to show the model of 'Death Ray' in public. 

                Tesla said that other's invention of death ray didn't run because to run the device a lots of electricity is needed. But this amount of electricity can't be produced because the whole New York's sum electricity is less than needed to run this device. Tesla's 'Teleforce' machine can destroy in the range of 200 mile. 

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